
Promote yourself on TikTok: how to make your song famous

With nearly 700 million active users, TikTok is the platform of the moment, where everyone is audience and content creator at the same time.

This is precisely the key to the success of TikTok, together with the ease of creating content: it only takes a few minutes to go from the idea to the creation of the video, with filters, effects and of course the soundtrack.

So, let’s see how to take advantage of the platform and promote yourself on TikTok!

How to use TikTok for music promotion

All you have to do on TikTok is switch from one video to another. This feature allows TikTok to do something that no other platform has done in the past: offering to its users a huge number t of short videos, they really seem to never end.

One of the main reasons for using the app is, in fact, the speed of the content flow.

This speed of use of the contents creates a very high engagement, users spend an average of 52 minutes every day on TikTok!

TikTok is downloadable via the App Store and Google Play in 155 countries and available in 75 languages worldwide, in the course of 2020 TikTok was downloaded 2 billion times leaping ahead of other social apps such as Twitter, Snapchat and Pinterest.

The most relevant fact for the recording industry is that TikTok’s audience is mainly made up of people between the ages of 12 and 30: a strategic market for discovering new music and creating new trends. This is another key reason why it is important to promote yourself on TikTok.

How TikTok works

TikTok works differently than other streaming platforms like Spotify, Youtube or Apple Music: a song is not popular based on the total number of views, but what matters most is how many people use that song as the video soundtrack. Huge potential for musicians looking for alternative ways to promote their music.

TikTok was also one of the first apps that rely entirely on Artificial Intelligence to suggest the most suitable videos for the user, with an algorithm that proposes content based on user behavior over time.

For this reason, standing out from the crowd on TikTok becomes more and more difficult every day and a good idea to promote your song is to launch a TikTok challenge. Just have a good idea, a catchy part of your song, and some well-chosen influencers.

The guide for a viral challenge on TikTok

But let’s take it one step at a time. Here is our guide to launch a viral challenge on TikTok!

1 – Make sure your song is distributed on TikTok

It may seem obvious, but not all digital distributors have yet closed deals with TikTok, so it is advisable to check with your distributor if the chosen song is already available on the platform. If you can’t find your song on TikTok and you need support, contact us!

2 – Spend time on TikTok

TikTok is a unique platform, with a unique content stream. So, if you are thinking of integrating the platform into your marketing strategy, the best advice we can give is to spend some time on the platform alone. Find out what content is popular and why.

3 – Find the 15 seconds most suitable for TikTok in your song

To create a viral challenge for TikTok, 15-second snippets are the most effective: short content is the secret that really makes the platform work and viral.

Study your song and try to spot some 15 second “TikTok moments”, the parts of the song that you think have the most viral potential. There are many things that can work well on TikTok, for example: well-paced lyrics, a rhythm that lends itself well to simple dances and choreography, and catchy phrases.

4 – Constantly look for new ideas for challenges

Before starting a TikTok challenge ask yourself, what will make the challenge memorable? Your challenge should be engaging, easy to understand and the video that will launch it must be easily reproducible, while leaving room for interpretation and modification. The TikTok challenges are in fact a model to be inspired by.

5 – Find the most suitable hashtags

Every trend must have a catchy name so that people can identify it. Choose a clear hashtag that is easy to remember and that will identify the challenge. This hashtag will be associated with your music for a long time!

6 – Engage with TikTok influencers

Once you’ve found the idea for your challenge, be sure to involve TikTok’s influencers, the TikTokers! In fact, you will have a much better chance of your song going viral if the challenge is taken up by influencers with a large following.

But don’t worry, we can help you. We collaborate with the most followed TikTokers worldwide! And, if you need, we can involve choreographers and dancers to work on your TikTok challenge.

7 – Convert TikTok users into listeners and social media followers

Think about how to convert TikTok audiences into Spotify listeners or Instagram followers, and how to keep your new fanbase active. Ideally, your TikTok campaign should be part of an overall content marketing plan that will have a lasting impact on your career as an artist.

The most important tool at your disposal is the song page attached to each song officially distributed on TikTok. By clicking on the title of the song used in the TikTok video, a screen will appear where you can directly access the artist’s TikTok account, where it is important to find direct links to Spotify or Apple Music. Make sure your TikTok account is verified and active, as it will be the point of contact and conversion hub between TikTok and other online platforms.

8 – The time has come to launch your challenge!

Now that you’ve found the idea and the TikTokers to work with, take the challenge!

Don’t forget to involve your friends too, everyone can help set a trend!

Final thoughts on how to promote yourself on TikTok and make your song famous

TikTok to date is one of the social networks that guarantees greater visibility as long as it is used in a smart way.

To help you promote yourself on TikTok we have thought of a special service, visit the page for the promotion on TikTok and do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

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